Part 3: The Treasure of Tootinschleiman.
Update 03: The Treasure of Tootinschleiman.

Whos ready for sand, sand and more sand?

Not much to see on the first screen, but the second is much more promising. Because really, who doesnt like mucking around with cannons?

Easy as pompom pie. And we can see the sandcastle in the background there, so we cant have far to go. (Not pictured: Idiots trying to burn it down.)

I dont think climb is quite the word you were looking for, Namby. Still, theyre pretty well spoken for what I assume is a baby Healslime. (Or maybe Namby just likes wearing that sort of thing.)

The next screen introduces the Picksy, who well, picks things up and throws them at you. They have 3 HP and drop 13 Gold. If there isnt anything around to throw, theyre kind of helpless.

These fancy slime-styled obelisks are a bit fragile as a result of being Elasto Blasted, so you have to catch them before they hit the ground. So basically Rockbombs, but without the dangerous explosion.

Somewhere during the ensuing Picksy torture, I finally get around to reading Nambys letter.

A pretty decent joke, and something Ill be wanting to collect for reasons that will soon become apparent.

Just north of the river is another of these Platypunk dunes, as well as a Jailcat too busy getting high on catnip to bother us.

Gday, Perry! Howre ya doin, mate?

Shell be right. (Perry sends us another rockbomb.)

The cannons just east of where we are, but theres another dune in the way.

Well, since you went and blocked the doorway, I suppose we have to help you no matter what. Just sit tight, Platiosi.

Oh, and dont forget to look around the other side of the tomb. Theres another slime chest tucked away back there!

Yes, Rocket does have the ability to glide about a bit. Its not important just yet, but its good to know its there.

Wooden you believe it?

Alright, lets see about saving that Platiosi fellow.

The next screen just has some items and enemies to collect, though it looks like we can open up a shortcut here later.

Ah, this rotund little fellow is the Hammerhood! 3 HP and 13 Gold just like the Picksy, but these guys are only found in this area. Their lucky bags have a 1/16 chance of dropping an item we dont have yet, but there are much better places to get them later. (3/16 * 1/16 = about 1.17%, for the curious.)

Hammerhoods have never been very good with their signature weapon, either dealing lousy damage or having a good chance of missing outright. In this case, being hit once will make them lose their hammer entirely.

However, main-series hoods always had a chance to deal a devastating critical attack. Likewise, the flailing attack that these guys do after losing their hammers can actually be incredibly effective in some circumstances.

Im not quite sure why they exist, but this screen features destructible sand-carts.

Over the rapidly rushing waters, we have another slime to save.

Gootrude is quite right; bombshells will respawn in a matter of seconds after being fired, but if you toss them on the railway carts, youll have to leave the screen for a while just like with anything else.

The next screen is a simple introduction to movable cannons, just requiring us to break some blocks and clear the path to get it into position.

It does provide a certain satisfaction though.

Ah, a chance to send Gootrude back home to Boingburg.

So apparently slimes can get sunburnt?


The southern half of this screen has a whole bunch of Hammerhoods tucked away, ready to flail and bust their way through those bricks if you get close enough to set them off.

As seen here.

Guess where Id recommend coming to farm up 30 Hammerhoods?

Now, let me just collect that bombshell and that chest, and well be on our w-

Pffft, yeah no. So, this is a Mimic, a true classic. It has 4 HP, drops 14 gold and the ones in Tootinschleimans Tomb have a 87.5% chance that their lucky bags will contain a chest.

Their startled sprite is pretty great though.

Oh, were already at the cannon we need to free that guy from the dune.

This next scene is available in video.

It may not be Final Fantasy, but its still a Square Enix game. So why not have a Ducktor Cid?

Well, time to test that hypothesis of his!


As Rocket and Ducktor Cid head up to the scenic vista from earlier, theres a hell of a lot of shaking going on. And then

You big, fat feather-brain! The Plob dont need cowards like you! An you even helped that slimeball unearth the Schleiman Tank, you putz! Well, Im clippin your wings now, schmo. Youre fired! Sincerely yours

Man, poor guy. Hes had a rough day.
...On the upside, we got a sweet Monster Tank!

Im sure you can find something else to do, Cid. Now if youll excuse me, I have a tank to inspect.

Just like in [Insert sci-fi reference here]! (

Sure, you decided to quit.

Hmm Let me guess, its-

Yep, its a But Thou Must situation! (The original Dragon Warrior is the trope namer on that one, you know.) But Ducktor Cid is a cool dude, so thats fine by me.

Hmm ?

Alright, time to head upstairs and see how this thing handles.

Oops, there goes the fourth wall again. This game really doesnt care much for that thing, does it?

Is there ever a time where the answer to that question is anything other than hell yes?

Well, I cant fault this tutorial so far. See the thing done, do it yourself. A solid method of instruction.

In ya go!

So, the Schleiman Tank spits out ammo randomly from the two dispensers either side of the big door blocking that room the map shows as containing a heart, the two just by the chapel there, and the two upstairs by the cannons. Bare this in mind, as you may have to go looking for the good stuff.

Hey, guess what?

Its time to stretch, spring and shoot into action!

Of course, the cliff is hardly a fierce opponent. Well have to see about testing it out of something that will shoot back.
Dr. Fetus posted:
Oh and Ducktor Cid actually has a comment for shooting yourself out of the cannon in the tutorial.

Bit of a touchy subject, methinks.

Anyway, eventually

Hoorah! Lets head on back to Boingburg in our fancy new ride!


Well, looks like the good Ducktor has already got himself settled in.

Ah, yes. Perhaps well leave out the part about how we got the Warriors Flute

You probably should have got planning permission before you built a house, dude.

Well, it looks like everythings going well so far! Lets take a quick jaunt around town.

Ive never been quite sure why they made the Hammerhoods speak this way.

Stony will tell us whenever theres another iron ball thats been removed; this one lets us get to a whopping seven hearts already!

These items arent actually available yet, but Gootrudes tip does suggest that the tree inside the church is indeed Yggdrasil, which appears quite often in the Dragon Quest series.

Oh, hey there Namby. Sure, why not.

Alright, lets see I believe theres two more people we need to see today.

Oh, ja. And the good Ducktor will be smoking that pipe a lot from now on, so you know.

While Im on the wrong side of the country to see the actual Gold Coast, Perry here still has a little minigame for us. To summarise, you have 60 seconds to gather as much gold as you can. Beat the high score, get a prize.

Oh, and you can let anyone with a DS download this minigame to try out. For some reason.

Ahem Anyway, have a video of the Gold Coast Surfari.

Some surfing later

This is an awesome prize, though sadly we cant use it just yet. Weve accomplished quite a bit today, so next time Uh What are we doing next time?


Pfffft, nah. Weve got this.

Hell yeah! Time for our first true Tank Battle!

And here we are, ready to face off against Websy and his Platypanzer! Lets show them whos the hero of this story!

Now, this is something extremely important. Ammo that collides in midair will cancel each other out. This means you can use lesser pieces of ammo to block shots, allowing your more potent ones to connect and actually deal damage.

Being the first proper opponent, Websys Platypanzer is pretty laughable. It has half of the Schleimans health, and he only uses the top cannon.

The Schleiman has only bombshells and boulders for ammo right now, so use the latter to block shots while the bombshells go in the bottom cannon.

However, there is one added wrinkle

Once the enemy tank runs out of health, its door opens and we can head through to its engine room. There, we can put it out of commission once and for all Of course, we have left our tank undefended, but thats not a big deal with a lead like ours.

There it is, the final goal of every tank battle! Just Elasto Blast the engine, and youve won. Hell, even if your own tank is out of health, it doesnt matter so long as enemies dont get to the engine.

RIP Websy.

Ah, excellent! All enemy tanks contain slime chests, so well always get more goodies and rescued slimehabitants by destroying them.

So, we finally have a use for all those items weve collected. Were going to shoot them out of cannons!

Since we can actually outfit the Schleiman Tank ourselves now, this is when we get to go into multiplayer and fight other peoples tanks. I imagine this would have been pretty cool.

Cor blimey indeed.

Anyway, Ill see you next time when we scour the sands in search of more slimes.